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A Lovesick Knitted Brow in Vain /Wang Ningmei 枉凝眉

Wang Ningmei Guzheng concerto is adapted from one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature - Dream of the Red Chamber (Honglou Meng).

It is known for its psychological scope, and its observation of the worldview, aesthetics, lifestyles, and social relations of 18th-century China.

Honglou Meng is a book about enlightenment [or awakening]. ... A man in his life experiences several decades of winter and summer. The most sagacious and wise is certainly not submerged in considerations of loss and gain. However, the experiences of prosperity and decline, coming together and dispersing [of family members and friends] are too common; how can his mind be like wood and stone, without being moved by all this? In the beginning, there is a profusion of intimate feelings, which is followed by tears and lamentations. Finally, there is a time when one feels that everything he does is futile. At this moment, how can he not be enlightened?

— A commentary on the novel by writer Jiang Shunyi, dated 1869

Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the full version of this fabulous Guzheng concerto with East Meets West Orchestral Concert!