Enjoy a sensational concert that combines traditional and contemporary music from the East and West!
Act I:
Jasmine Flowers Composer: Giacomo Puccini
Hope Betrayed Composer: Wang Liping
Guzheng and Messo soprano
Carmen, Act I: Habanera Composer: Georges Bizet
Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto Composers: He Zhanho, Chen Gang
Act II:PROKOFIEV: Romeo and Juliet suite No2, Op 64ter - I "The Montagues and Capulets" Composer: Sergei Prokofiev
Ernani Act I “Ernani…Ernani, involvami” Composer: Giuseppe Verdi
Song: Pamir - My Beautiful Hometown Composer: Zheng Qiufeng
The Yellow River Piano Concerto
Arranged by Yin Chengzong, Chu Wanghua, Liu Zhuang, Sheng Lihong
*Program subject to change
交响乐《茉莉花》(选自歌剧“图兰朵”) 作曲:贾科莫 普契尼
歌曲《爱情是一只自由鸟》(选自歌剧《卡门》)作曲:乔治 比才
交响乐《普罗科菲耶夫组曲“蒙太古与凯普莱特”》(选自“罗密欧与朱丽叶”)作曲 谢尔盖 普罗科非耶夫
女高音 歌曲《埃尔维拉咏叹调》(选自威尔第歌剧《埃尔纳尼》第一幕) 作曲 朱赛佩 威尔第
女高音 歌曲《帕米尔 我的家乡多么美》 作曲 郑秋枫
钢琴协奏曲《黄河》 作曲:殷承宗、储望华、刘庄、盛礼洪
"Butterfly Lovers" Violin Concerto
“The concerto is in one movement but is broken into seven distinct sections. Each tells a different part of the story of the Butterfly Lovers. Some of the melodies come from the Chinese Opera of the same name or from traditional Chinese folk songs. The solo violin of the concerto is symbolic of Zhu Yingtai, the story's protagonist, and the cello part is symbolic of Liang Shanbo, her lover.”
“The concerto's romantic story is just one element that the young composers He and Chen introduced to ensure the work's popularity.” He explained to the South China Morning Post that students at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music in the 1950s were taught to "serve the people" and write in an idiom they would readily understand. He believes that his audience-focused approach was the secret to the concerto's success, telling the South China Morning Post that "You cannot write music to demonstrate your own capability... Music has to be written for the people.”
“The Yellow River” Piano Concerto
The Yellow River Piano Concerto (1969) composed by Yin Chengzong (b. 1941) is now widely recognised as one of China’s most well-renowned piano concertos. The Yellow River Piano Concerto has undergone a resurgence of popularity since its initial composition last century, and is now celebrated as one of China’s earliest representative works to be based on a composition that was originally written for large-scale vocal performance. Yin and the creation of his magnificent concerto played a significant role in universalising the piano amongst a new generation of Chinese performers and composers.